Extra credit attending artist lecture Th 3:30 in PB 191 and art opening Th 5:00 Perspectrum Write a short summary of the exhibit and what you learned or took away from the show.
3:00 meet at HML 3rd Floor: Open house for the Innovation Space on January 27th from 2pm - 4pm. There will be Maker-style activities and other interactive components to incite the imagination, words from the Provost, as well as sheet cake and coffee/other beverages.
Write 300 word abstract based on P2 Apply Here for Central California Research Symposium Due Friday (see call for abstracts for more information) Briefly outline your RtD (Research through Design) Project and what research elements are contributing to your design
Start pulling Visual Research and creating sketches to help visually explain your project Proposal
Start working on your project gathering research about who will use your design and start to create persona. Continue sketching and mind mapping out your ideas you may have multiple UI components but you are also developing a system of how multiple components work together. Start outlining your Information Architecture that shows these system connections.
Check out the working remotely articles linked in our resources sidebar
This is a great time to check out a new podcast, see the list of UX related podcasts in the sidebar. Feel free to recommend other design, tech or UX related podcast for me to add.
Remote Class
Review everyones design concept video on the google slides final presentation for P2 and leave a comment for each classmate
Introduce P3Short Reserch Presentation looking at new tech its affect on remote work and potential ethical considerations
Find a UX or Design Pod-cast and create a sketch note based on one of the episodes 99 invisible is a great one. (Try and start a new routine of listening to a UX or design podcast at least twice a week.)